1. The Idea
To commemorate the anniversary of Feri's death this year, we are producing a music clip of Sharghi e Ghamgin with contributions of musicians from all around the world. We want to merge all the contributed artistic interpretations (sung, performed, rapped or danced) to one unique mashup video. The result will be released at the anniversary of Feri's death on August 3rd.

2. Who we are
We are the ones who made the film MOON SUN FLOWER GAME about Forough Farokhzad and her adopted son Hossein Mansouri. Our film production DENKmal-Film resides in Munich since 1978.

3. What we ask you to do

1. Send us a video of your individual take on Sharghi e Ghamgin. We're open to all formats from professional to mobile phone recordings.

2. Get creative! Sing. rap, perform, dance or play an instrumental version. Show your city, translate it into your other language – you are free to adopt the idea and advance it further. Other songs of Feri are also welcome, but the very special event will be the mashup of Sharghi e Ghamgin.

3. Here you find the lyrics of the song in Farsi (any translation is welcome).

4. Here you find a playalong (for loose guideline in key and tempo. Feel free to
ignore ;)

5. This is the original by Fereydoun

6. This is "the mother of the idea" by Shadi (EENDO) and Hossein Mansouri

7. This is another clip by the young Golestan kids for inspiration.

And this is the way to upload your video:

Please use the "SELECT FILES" button to upload and don't forget your email address for the credits and to keep you updated. Any comments are welcome: FeriSaga@denkmal-film.de
Smaller files you can also send to this address.